Category Archives: second childbirth

>A Little Breakdown

>Finally had a little break down. After several nights that mimicked my last post, I had what felt like an asthma attack. I’m not sure what it was all about but I had been having issues the day before with the aftermath of pregnancy so I am going to assume it had to do with that. I went ahead and asked my husband if he would be ok with staying and helping me this morning and he obliged. I’m feeling better this afternoon. Thank goodness afternoons are easy. Abby down for a nap, baby in a good sleeping pattern, sun out and Daddy coming home at 3 or 3:30. I think I can handle the afternoon. So much for getting in a schedule though. Anyone else have issues pop up 3 weeks after giving birth? Comment about it. We all need to share so I don’t feel like such a hypochondriac moron sicko….


Filed under aftermath of childbirth. asthma, child birth, second childbirth


>Well, we have started the Adams’ Dairy again. Last night I went to be a nice 36 C and woke up a 38 DD. Woosh! Here was the milk. Cate was getting fussy every time she ate and then, after having a nice meal for the first time, she slept forever. Today she has been in a milk comma all day which is not good for a mommy who’s boobs are getting to be hard as rocks as the minutes tick by. Therefore, I have broken out the pump (yucky…) and I am well on my way to having leather nipples. Went off the pain meds today and that basically made breastfeeding TORTURE again.

Abby has been facinated with the whole thing. She watches me feed the baby. Today she said, “Baby drinkin’ milk.” Yep, she gets it. She pulled up her shirt and fed her baby. It was so funny. She points up her shirt and says, “Abby’s boobs.” Well, kid, thank goodness you don’t have boobs yet but yes, that is where they will be when they get here…

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Filed under breastfeeding, second childbirth, toddlers

>Every bump and tickle

>Now that I have had kidney stones, contractions, and a trip to the ER, I am totally sensitive to every little bump and tickle. I’m crazy because every time I feel some little thing, I start to get worried and I don’t want to deal with it. I have these pills that the doctor gave me (heavy duty pain killers from the kidney stones) and I’m tempted to take one all the time but I hesitate and then wait and then don’t. I have taken half a pill several times but I never take them in a row and never more than one per strange pain. It’s got me going a little nuts.

The other day, I had contractions, real ones, all day but they were not regular. So I didn’t do anything about them and they went away. I had dreams that my water was breaking and that my mom was going to miss the birth. I was on the phone crying to her in every dream, apologizing that I couldn’t hold it in any longer. They say the second kid comes out easier and sometimes early. How many of you had your second kid faster, easier, etc…?


Filed under pregnancy crazies, second childbirth